of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal and connected waterways



    August 2031    
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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Events for this month that are not associated with a specific day:
Prince Victor Abel (1937)   Frank Abram (1894)   Joseph Acton (1862)   Eva Addy (1897)   Ethel Alcock (1897)   William Edward Alcock (1871)   Joe Allen (1878)   Betsey Allibay (1837)   Matthew Allman (1881)   Emma Alsop (1892)   John William Alsop (1896)   Ann (1878)   Thomas Appleton (1843)   Harriet Asbury (1866)   Ann Ashcroft (1939)   Charles Ashcroft (1910)   Elizabeth Ashcroft (1999)   Ellen Ashcroft (1854)   James Ashcroft (1932)   Joseph Pimley Ashcroft (1929)   Leonard Ashcroft (1902)   May Ashcroft (2004)   Stephen Aspinall (1892)   Ralph Atherton (1899)   Charles Auckland (1851)   Charles Auckland (1852)   Sarah Bailey (1849)   Alice Baldwin (1971)   Robert Baldwin (1867)   Matilda Bamforth (1875)   Sarah Bannister (1849)   James Barlow (1885)   William Barnett (1884)   Albert Bateman (1891)   Willoughby Bean (1895)   Maud Bebbington (1933)   Jonas Beckett (1901)   Thomas Belfield (1929)   Mary Bellard (1875)   Jabez Beswick (1896)   Abraham Betley (1882)   Edwin Bisby (1935)   Elizabeth Boden (1852)   Richard Bostock (1860)   Joseph Boulton (1909)   Mary Ann Bowden (1908)   Samuel Boyer (1861)   Samuel Boyer (1881)   Hiram Bradshaw (1898)   John Gittens Brazendale (1887)   Jesse Brockbank (1845)   John Thomas Brockbank (1881)   Samuel Brockbank (1842)   Richard John Brooks (1934)   William Tummons Brown (1847)   David Bulmer (1885)   Marana Bulmer (1853)   Herbert Bunn (1894)   Sarah Burrows (1829)   Ada Butler (1874)   Levi Capper (1902)   Thomas Capper (1873)   John Carmichael (1886)   John Robert Carr (1865)   Ann Carrington (1865)   Hugh Carrington (1873)   John Carrington (1867)   Jonathan Carrington (1866)   Richard Carrington (1902)   Thomas Carrington (1886)   Peter Caunce Cartmel (1850)   Walker Cartmell (1864)   James Catterall (1890)   Abraham Cawthorn (1867)   John Depledge Cawthorn (1867)   Elizabeth Chadwick (1883)   Ruhannah Chadwick (1871)   Ellen Cheetham (1891)   John Cheetham (1905)   John Cheetham (1871)   Thomas Cheetham (1892)   Walter Churchhouse (1976)   Emma Clare (1841)   Caroline Margaret Clowes (1893)   Joseph Coley (1839)   Eliza Cook (1937)   Esther Cooper (1852)   Caroline Cottier (1878)   Joseph Coultas (1849)   Charles Coward (1891)   George Coward (1873)   Thomas Crabtree (1871)   Hannah Curzon (1857)   James Curzon (1888)   Isaac Daker (1884)   Moses Daker (1853)   Alice Dalton (1904)   Nancy Darlington (1856)   Thomas Darlington (1887)   Robert Daw (1890)   James Deakin (1901)   Jane Deakin (1917)   Richard Deakin (1982)   William Deakin (1853)   George Disley (1921)   George Edwin Dixon (1904)   Frederick Done (1904)   Sarah Ann Douglas (1886)   Anthony Drury (1848)   Lawrence Duerden (1862)   Arthur Dutton (1887)   Walter Dutton (1882)   William Dutton (1873)   William Dutton (1854)   Henry Earlam (1871)   Alice Gertrude Earnshaw (1878)   George Earnshaw (1880)   Ada Annie Earp (1910)   William Deakin Eaton (1872)   Sarah Edmondson (1882)   Mary Ann Emery (1856)   Marion Mary Fairhurst (1923)   George Finney (1861)   Ann Flower (1879)   Elizabeth Flower (1873)   Thomas Mortimer Forrington (1843)   Richard Forshaw (1838)   Thomas Forshaw (1977)   Eliza Foster (1902)   Benjamin Fradley (1837)   Elizabeth Fradley (1933)   Emma Fratson (1892)   Joshua Fratson (1938)   Sarah Gandy (1903)   Richard Gardiner (1835)   Edward Garratt (1880)   Thomas Hinman Garratt (1881)   Enoch Gates (1872)   Jane Gibbons (1881)   Richard Gibbons (1978)   Elizabeth Gill (1881)   Fred Gill (1879)   Sarah Catherine Gill (1880)   Walter Gill (1938)   Ann Gillard (1849)   Fred Keane Gillyon (1944)   Godfrey Gillyon (1860)   William Benjamin Gillyon (1864)   Rose Gooder (1911)   Rose Goodier (1871)   George Gore (1869)   William Gore (1854)   Ann Gornall (1865)   Emma Gray (1891)   Henry Parker Greaves (1919)   William Greaves (1893)   Margaret Green (1894)   Mary Green (1899)   Thomas Green (1896)   John Greenfield (1849)   William Greenwood (1914)   Margaretta Grindley (1878)   Elizabeth Haddock (1853)   Dermy Thomas Hailstone (1929)   William Hampton (1853)   Mary Handley (1909)   Cecily Hardicar (1851)   Charles Kellitt Harlington (1893)   Charles Kellitt Harlington (1880)   Sarah Jane Harpham (1887)   Peter Harrison (1907)   Thomas Henry Harrison (1932)   Cassandra Hartley (1879)   Charlotte Hastings (1883)   Sarah Elizabeth Hattersley (1895)   Bertha Hatton (1890)   Enoch Hatton (1881)   Nathan Hatton (1894)   Robert Hatton (1883)   Fanny Hazlehurst (1840)   Annie Elizabeth Hellary (1903)   Joseph Hesford (1844)   William Hinchliff (1852)   William Hinman (1878)   William Hitchen (1857)   Eliza Holroyd (1893)   Richard Holt (1870)   William Henry Hopwood (1920)   George Riley Hough (1875)   John Hough (1904)   Thomas Hough (1899)   Levi Houghton (1931)   Mary Houghton (1899)   Dorothy Howard (1960)   William Howcroft (1905)   Joseph Hulse (1909)   Louisa Hulse (1947)   Maria Hulse (1857)   Martha Ann Hulse (1894)   Mary Ellen Hulse (1889)   Thomas Hulse (1888)   Jonathan Cudworth Hunt (1872)   Joshua Sproston Hunt (1863)   Alice Hunter (1898)   Daniel Hunter (1913)   Mary Isabella Iddon (1916)   Edwin Illidge (1892)   William Inett (1875)   Elizabeth Jackson (1893)   Ellen Jackson (1887)   Arthur Jinks (1846)   Richard Jinks (1874)   Lucy Kay (1891)   Valentine Kay (1857)   Desmond Kelso (1901)   Samuel Lamb (1919)   Ann Lambert (1870)   Mary Helen Lancelot (1892)   Herbert Taylor Latham (1908)   Robert Latham (1879)   Wallace Lawson (2015)   Alice Orme Leach (1918)   James Leach (1866)   James Leach (1904)   John Leach (1855)   John Arthur Leach (1965)   Samuel Thomas Leach (1975)   Joseph Lee (1874)   Joseph Lightfoot (1845)   Betsey Linsley (1845)   Marie Lowe (1916)   Omar Lowe (1969)   Herbert Lyall (1881)   Joseph Malam (1922)   Peter Malam (1964)   Sarah Ellen Malley (1877)   Mary Ann Mann (1866)   Richard Fawcett Mann (1903)   Fred Mansfield (1884)   Hugh Martland (1878)   Margaret Ellen Mason (1876)   Daniel Massey (1906)   Margaret Ellen McKie (1917)   Ellen Melling (1869)   Joseph Mellor (1864)   David Moffat (1868)   Abraham Molyneux (1891)   James Moores (1900)   Robert Moores (1890)   Ernest Morris (1980)   Robert Morris (1873)   William Moss (1908)   Amelia Moxon (1886)   James Moxon (1867)   Joseph Nelson (1873)   Frederick Newall (1859)   George Henry Newton (1937)   William Newton (1867)   John James Nicolini (1907)   Ann North (1856)   Jane Nuttall (1904)   Walter Oakes (1866)   Clara Ollerton (1883)   Margaret Ormson (1876)   Francis Owen (1879)   Noah Parish (1878)   Catherine Ann Parr (1995)   George Parsonson (1864)   Susan Payne (1853)   Alfred Peacock (1878)   Joseph Peck (1841)   Matthew Peet (1991)   Richard Peet (1913)   Susannah Penny (1902)   Margaret Perrin (1857)   Sam Petty (1885)   Harriet Pilkington (1906)   William Pinder (1858)   Phoebe Pollitt (1899)   Ernest Prescott (1898)   Mary Prescott (1869)   Wlliam Prescott (1879)   Ann Quirk (1904)   Timothy Ramsden (1870)   Thomas Rees (1886)   William Rees (1895)   Uriah Rhodes (1863)   Mary Riding (1874)   Charles George Riley (1964)   Charles Roberts (1917)   Joseph Robinson (1876)   Joshua Robinson (1928)   Mary Robinson (2004)   Thomas Robinson (1880)   Charles Rock (1871)   Elizabeth Rothwell (1847)   Frank Rothwell (1907)   Mary Rothwell (1849)   Samuel Rothwell (1881)   Henry Peter Roughley (1981)   Edward Rowbottom (1892)   Thomas Henry Rowland (1871)   Ellen Rowlinson (1874)   Joseph Roylance (1849)   Owen Royle (1844)   Gertrude Rusling (1906)   Charles Frederick Sadler (1871)   Isabella Salt (1978)   William Henry Sanderson (1913)   Elizabeth Ann Scarbrough (1841)   Matthew Moxon Schofield (1905)   Edward Seddon (1873)   Evan Seymour (1872)   Mary Ann Seymour (1880)   Arthur Garibaldi Shaw (1897)   Edwin Shaw (1884)   Elizabeth Shaw (1874)   Joseph Shaw (1890)   Margaret Shaw (1899)   Mary Shillito (1850)   Richard Silvester (1904)   Thomas Silvester (1914)   William Silvester (1848)   Margaret Slater (1859)   Clifford James Southern (1908)   Harding Spence (1891)   Ann Spencer (1857)   John Sudlow (1853)   Edward Sumner (1893)   George Sumner (1879)   Alice Sutton (1894)   Frances Sutton (1846)   Christopher Swash (1898)   Richard Swash (1853)   Mary Ann Tasker (1898)   Elizabeth Taylor (1875)   Jane Taylor (1886)   Mary Taylor (1852)   Susann Thompson (1893)   Herbert Tickle (1911)   Maud Mary Tickle (1894)   Ethel Susannah Sutton Todd (1882)   James Arthur Tune (1928)   Elizabeth Varley (1911)   Mary Ellen Varley (1868)   Ernest Vernon (1881)   Herbert Vernon (1879)   Dinah Vickers (1881)   Grace Vickers (1979)   Charles Walker (1861)   Elizabeth Walker (1840)   Elizabeth Walker (1886)   Mary Walker (1863)   Frederick Walmsley (1861)   George James Warburton (1898)   Jeffrey Wareing (1821)   Robert Waterhouse (1870)   Winifred Watkinson (1909)   Benjamin Watson (1875)   John Watson (1880)   John Weedall (1874)   Thomas Weedall (1880)   John West (1907)   Susannah White (1887)   Benjamin Whitehead (1878)   Mary Whittle (1887)   Caroline Whittles (1924)   Robert Widdowson (1873)   Leah Wignall (1927)   Reuben Wilburn (1872)   Willoughby Wilburn (1913)   Charles Joseph Wilcockson (1851)   Martha Ann Williams (1886)   Sarah Williamson (1868)   Dinah Willington (1873)   Dora Willington (1873)   George Joseph Willington (1862)   Crystal Wilson (1872)   Theophila Wilson (1897)   Blanche Wiswall (1876)   Francis Wiswall (1857)   John Alfred Wiswall (1871)   Abraham Wood (1904)   William Woodworth (1910)   Thomas Barber Worfolk (1861)   Mary Worrall (1849)   Mary Alice Wright (1872)   Sarah Wright (1910)   John Talbot Yates (1909)   John Walls (1845)   Richard Maurice Walls (1975)   Thomas Norman Walls (1973)   William Edward Alcock (1871)   Matthew Allman (1878)   Emma Alsop (1891)   Leonard Ashcroft (1902)   Charles Auckland (1850)   Robert Baldwin (1867)   William Barnett (1884)   Samuel Boyer (1860)   Ann Carrington (1865)   Thomas Chadwick (1847)   John Cheetham (1858)   George Coward (1859)   Hannah Curzon (1856)   Jane Deakin (1917)   Walter Dutton (1882)   George Earnshaw (1879)   Emma Fratson (1859)   Joshua Fratson (1857)   Edward Garratt (1880)   Thomas Hinman Garratt (1874)   Elizabeth Gill (1875)   Fred Keane Gillyon (1865)   Godfrey Gillyon (1860)   Rose Goodier (1871)   Charles Kellitt Harlington (1888)   Medanah Holden (1862)   Martha Ann Hulse (1849)   Mary Ellen Hulse (1872)   John James Nicolini (1885)   Noah Parish (1875)   Christopher Rowbottom (1851)   Joseph Roylance (1849)   Edwin Shaw (1884)   Elizabeth Shaw (1874)   Ernest Vernon (1880)   Reuben Wilburn (1870)   Sarah Alsop (1920)   William Maxwell Ireland (1868)   William Jones (1925)   Ellen Peckett (1864)  

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